Tomato Base
Vote for your favorite
dishes, and earn NFTs

Welcome Foodies, finally an Onchain community for you! Every week vote for your favorite recipes and dish photos, get rewarded with unique NFTs to celebrate your culinary creations.

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Foodies have their token!

Tomato the token to
enter the exclusive club of
top-notch foodies.

You love food? We do too! With Tomato ERC-20 token, Foodies have the first culinary communities on Base. Beyond showing your support to delicious food the token will allow to propose, vote, and even win exclusive NFTs.

Built on Base for fast and
cost-saving execution!

We choose Base for its fast and cost-saving execution. The best blockchain for the best User experience.

  • Community-driven token
  • Ownership renounced
  • LP Burned
  • Fixed Supply, minting disabled
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Built for Farcaster frames

Tomato Base provides Farcaster frames for Foodies to promote their cooking creations. Generate frames and vote with Tomato tokens.

Each week the most voted frame will become an exclusive NFT with royalties paid to the content creator.

+ You =

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They talk about us

I love cooking, sharing it is my second passion. Now getting rewarded for it is even better

Tom C.

Cooking chief officer

Yeah I am Degen, but I love food too! Vote and make my NFT famous 🙏 🙏 🙏!

Pepe Paul


My instafood pix can now become my NFT !!

Amy D.

Instagram influencer